Sunday, September 30, 2012

I Love to See the Temple!

 My little sister Kamberee got married on September 28th, this past Friday in the St. George Temple to Tyler Lewis Dalton. I couldn't be more happier for my sister and new brother in law. We had the opportunity to head down to Southern Utah to be apart of my sister's special day. It was a very special day at that. Kaleb and Karmindy stayed outside the temple with Aunt Tiffany and Uncle Karson and their kids while Mark and I were able to go in and be there to watch Kamberee and Tyler be sealed for time and all eternity. I love weddings and look forward to attending them because I always enjoy listening to the advice that each sealer gives to the new couple. The sealer at Kamberee and Tyler's wedding, gave some wonderful advice about working together, praying together each day and holding family home evening in the home. He advised Kamberee to always help Tyler and remind him of his priesthood responsibilities and that he was the head of the home. I was really touched during their sealing and became a little emotional at the sealers words. I loved being able to sit next to Mark and be there in the temple together. I look forward to when we can attend the temple more when the kids are a little older.
I also enjoyed watching my little sister on this day. She was absolutely glowing and she looked so happy.She has been through so much the past two years, and I am so  very proud of her and the example that she is setting for Kaleb and Karmindy. I hope that Kaleb and Karmindy will make good choices  in their lives so that they can one day go to the temple with their sweethearts and be sealed for time and all eternity and have the blessings that are promised by doing this important act and making those important marital covenants. I love my little family and I am glad to know that we can be a forever family if Mark and I honor our covenants that we made almost 10 years ago! I am so thankful for the blessings of the temple!

 Mark and the kids! This is one of my favorite picture of my three favorite people!
 Kamberee and Tyler just coming out of the temple after being sealed!
 These special little people make me so happy! I had to take some pictures of these two in front of the temple.
Me with my little sister Kamberee!

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Kaleb and Karmindy definitely love to play outside and it is so hard when the Summer months start winding down and things start to cool off. One Fall Saturday morning, while Mark and I were attending to Yard Work, the kids came up to show us what they had  found! 100 HUNDRED ROLLY POLLY'S!! Kaleb informed me that he had counted each one and placed it in his bucket...with Karmindy's help of course! I was incredibly grossed out but the kids were really excited to have collected 100 hundred bugs that morning. I would call that a Morning of Success!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fall Baseball- Kaleb

Kaleb truly loves Baseball. He may not be the most aggressive player but he does enjoy getting out and hitting and catching the ball and hanging out with his friends. It has  been fun to watch Kaleb improve on his form, hitting and catching. We are still working with him on hitting the ball HARD.  Mark and I think he is afraid he is going to hurt someone if he hits it really hard; however, when it was his turn he always made it to first base. No joke. He is a good hitter he just needs to be a little bit more aggressive. Unfortunately, aggressiveness doesn't seem to run in our family. We will keep working with him!

 This year, he had the opportunity to play with a couple friends from the neighborhood: Sterling Lund and Caleb Bradford.

 Kaleb with his Fall Baseball Team and his Coach Cory (Red Sox Shirt). Great Job Son on a Season well Played!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Fall Baseball- Karmindy

 One thing is for sure, Karmindy likes to keep up with her Big Brother and she won't let anything get in her way to stop her! Kaleb loves baseball and let us know that he wanted to play Fall Ball again this year, Karmindy spoke right up and said she also wanted to play and so we thought we would give her a chance as well and make it a family affair. Karmindy LOVED baseball!! She loved playing on her friend Carson Bradfords team and could boast of being one of two girls on the team. Mark helped coach with Jason Bradford, a family friend, this year. Karmindy did really well and really fought to get the ball. In fact, she was highly offended when she didn't get the ball and was known to sit in the middle of the field and cry if the ball didn't come to her. Gotta Love Pee Wee Baseball and Toddlers!

Karmindy and Carson playing on the bleachers while their big brothers play their games!