One thing for sure about me, is that I love to throw parties for my Children. I delight in the planning, the prep work, the research, the baking, the crafting....everything! Planning parties for my kids usually starts several months in advance, one, because I hate leaving things to the last minute and two, I love to have time to see what things are out there to include in making my parties fun and memorable for my kids. I hope Kaleb and Karmindy will remember the parties that I have worked so hard to throw for them over and throughout the years! It really is a labor of love and I love celebrating them, their lives and their interests!
This year, Frozen parties are all the rage among the girls Karmindy's age. Now, please note Karmindy likes princess things but hasn't gone gaga for them until now! Karmindy L-O-V-E-S anything Frozen with a capital L! Karmindy's favorite princess is Elsa and you can find Karmindy on most days, in her room singing and humming all of the songs from the popular Disney Movie. Again, this behavior isn't typical for my daughter since she loves all things tom boy. I think that may come from having an older brother. I also think that Karmindy is growing up and the girly things like dolls, princesses and makeup are becoming more enticing to her, which I love because as much as I love to rough it with the boys (yes me) I also can appreciate all things girl...glitter, clothes, shopping make up, mani-pedis, crafts.
I really consider myself more a girly girl so it is so fun for me to have a little girl that gets excited about these things too!
So let me give you an over view of the party I threw for Karmindy. Several months prior to the party, as I was searching pinterest for ideas, I came across a beautiful Elsa dress on an etsy site. I decided Karmindy needed a Elsa dress for her party and bought her one. I figured she could wear it for her party and it could also double as a Halloween Costume this year! Bonus! Win. Win. A little background on the dress....The gal that sews them sells all different sizes and customizes them to the size you need for the princess in your life. She was also kind and not only sent the Elsa dress I paid for but as an added bonus, crocheted Karmindy a snowflake clip to wear in her hair. Karmindy was thrilled with her Elsa dress and was so excited to greet her friends all dressed up when her party rolled around!
Now Back to the over view, before the princesses arrived, the girls were greeted by this Olaf sign welcoming them into our home. Upon arrival, the girls were given an Elsa crown to wear that I made out of blue foam that I had cut into the shape of crowns and then fastened them in the back with blue sparkling ribbon. Each crown was also adorned with a sparkly snowflake jewel sticker. Thank goodness for living close to a Hobby Lobby because they saved my bacon when it came to finding all the "right" supplies for this party. After being crowned, the girls made their way to the Living Room where they watched, "Frozen," until all the guest arrived.

After all the guests and by mean guests, all 15 little girls! Gah! One of Karmindy's friends wasn't able to make it and we missed her. So we would have had 16 girls in all. I was stressing about having that many little giggly, screaming girls but it turned out to be wonderful and not stressful or dramatic. In fact, it didn't even seem like I had 15 little girls in my home. Anywho, after the girls arrived, we went down stairs to make Elsa Pendant necklaces. I found some cute Modge Podgeable pendants and Modge Podged purple or blue jewels to each pendant and then let the girls thread their pendant and add blue and purple beads. The girls were thrilled with their necklaces!
After making necklaces we headed up stairs to open presents! Karmindy made out like a bandit and was completely and utterly spoiled by her friends, like every princess should be. Right? Seriously though, Karmindy has some very sweet friends who really made her day showering her with gifts.
After presents, we headed down stairs again to play several games. We played pin the nose on Olaf and Cold Snow Flake (Like Hot Potato). The girls had a great time playing the games.
After games, we headed to the kitchen to sing Happy Birthday to the Birthday princess and eat cake and Chocolate Icecream! Karmindy was in heaven!
After eating cake and Ice cream and drinking waters, the girls headed out side to play. The girls seemed to all have fun and all seemed to really enjoy themselves. When the guests parents arrived to pick them up, we sent them home with little gift baggies to take with them. I thought they turned out so cute. I filled the gift bags with blue and white swirled suckers (blue raspberry flavored), hug chocolates, little rice krispie treats, and tiny little hand sanitizers that had glitter in it. The party guests were over the moon!
Planning this party was so fun, I think our little "Princess Elsa" thoroughly enjoyed the morning and enjoyed spending time with her girl friends!
Karmindy's party guests:
Back Row LtR: Sienna Evans, Emilia Pidcock, Cambree Albrecht, Eden Dressen, Megan Loeffler, and McKenna Rowe.
Middle Row: Lulu Ewell, Claire Trimble, Avery Wallin, Teagan Smart, Madison Jackman, Erin Tavita.
Front Row: Kiya Smart, Karmindy and Takara Chasten.
I sure love you little Miss Karmindy Rose! Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!