We love the Holidays at the Frisbey's House! I love watching the kids get just as excited for these special days as I do! We started our Valentine Planning a few weeks before the big day! I am loving Pinterest(a virtual bulletin board) and all the fun and cute ideas that I find on there. This year I found several cute ideas to "copy" and use for the kids' valentines this year to give to their friends. Karmindy gave her friends a valentine that said, "Your'e a Gem!" I found some cute eraser rings at Target to attach to her Valentines. I also found Kaleb some stretchy frogs to attach to his Valentines that he gave his friends. His Valentines said, "I hope your Valentine's is TOADALLY Awesome!" I think the kids homemade valentines cards turned out cute! I also couldn't be left out and put together some goodies to give to my closest girlfriends. I love surprising my friends with fun little gifts.This year I found some cute printables and made some cute cards and attached it to some Chocolate Cupcakes and Lemon Bunt Cakes. My girlfriends were surprised and loved their "valentines."

Valentines Day finally arrived and the morning of I surprised the kids with Raspberry Filled Donuts and Strawberry milk for breakfast! They loved it. I also sprinkled cute cut out hearts on the table and let the kids use our fancy goblets to put their Strawberry milk in. I also taped hearts all over the kids bedroom doors for them to wake up to. They loved it!
Mark and I also surprised the kids with a new outfit and toy. Kaleb got a new shirt and Karmindy got a new dress that had hearts printed on it. She looked really cute. I also had fun doing her hair in heart shaped pig tails. Both the kids looked so cute. We got Kaleb got him a new video game and we got Karmindy a new lalaloopsy. The kids loved their gifts. I really love making the holidays special for my kiddos!

After the kids left for school, I scrambled to get Karmindy's class party ready. I am the room mom this year for her class and was in charge of her class party. I had several stations that the kids rotated around to. Karmindy and her classmates made Love bug hats with antenna's, necklaces made out of holiday straws, yarn and heart cut outs. The kids also played a few games. I had a conversation heart stacking game and a Valentines Bingo Game. We also read a Valentine's Book together as a group and ate sugar cookies and drank little tiny waters.I didn't get any pictures of Karmindy and her classmates and I am kicking myself. The kids seemed to have a great time at the party. I have really enjoyed being Karmindy's room mom this year; however, I was glad that my last party was over with! It has been a lot of work to be a room mom this year but has been really worth seeing Karmindy so happy when I come to her class.
Mark and I couldn't not do something for each other. I love that he still remembers me on these special holidays. He is always so thoughtful still after all these years!! Mark got me flowers and wrote a poem telling me to go about my day and find fancy chocolate bars around the house. The Chocolate bars had traits that he admired/loved about me. It was very sweet. Some of the traits said, Outgoing, Loyal, Friendly, Thoughtful, Lover, Friend to everyone.
I also surprised him and got him some Chocolates, Candy, "Hot" Sauces, and a card proclaiming my love for him. He liked his surprises as well.
We loved celebrating the holiday this year and it makes it even more fun that the kids are getting older.