The kids have been out of school since Christmas and it has been a nice long 4 week break for them and for me. However, the weather, inversion and dark days that happen in January in Northern Utah really start to get to me and Seasonal Depression tends to hit me. This year it hit me hard. Really hard. Maybe it hit harder this year because just a few weeks prior, we were in the Caribbean soaking up the sun and having fun. Having to come back to cold, dark Salt Lake City just didn't sit well. This time of year is always hard and I know that a lot of my dear friends also struggle too with this and so I am grateful I am not alone.
To combat the dark days here in January, I decided to take the kids on a quick weekend trip to see my family in Hurricane. Mark stayed behind to work and so me and the kids headed out early on a Thursday afternoon after lunch. When we rolled into LaVerkin (2 minutes from Hurricane) around 5 p.m. we made a quick stop at the LaVerkin Cemetery to see Bronson's Grave and decorate it with a few Valentine Treasures. We left him a cute stuffed doggy and a vase filled with fake red roses. The kids helped me pick everything out and it was really so nice to go and visit his graveside and brighten it up a little.
After visiting Bronson, we headed to Hurricane and stopped off at my Brother Kaden and his wife Ambers home. We visited with Kaden and Amber and their girls and then we all headed to Arby's to meet my sister Kamberee, her husband Tyler and my nephew Karev for dinner. We had so much fun catching up and visiting.
After dinner, we headed to Kamberee's home to stay and get settled in.
On Friday Morning, we woke up, got ready and had a nice morning of just visiting and letting the kids play together. Around lunch time, we jumped in the car and headed to The Pizza/ Past Factory Express in Washington, Utah for lunch. The kids love their pizza and bread sticks and I love their salad bar, creamy pesto pasta and raspberry lemonade. It was a win-win for everyone. We met up with my Sister-in-law Amber and her two girls and the cousins had a great time eating lunch together. Kamberee, Amber and I enjoyed catching up but mostly ended up trying to convince the kids to eat lunch so we could get going to our next activity we had planned.

After Lunch was finished, we took the kids to Jumping Jacks in St. George to play on inflated play/jump houses. The kids were in heaven and could barely contain their excitement. It was really a fun afternoon of spending time as sisters and watching our kids play! I have fond memories of getting together with my cousins and I love giving my kids the opportunity to get to know their cousins and form relationships with them. I sure wished we lived closer to my family so we could see them more often. It is hard living so far away from them and only seeing them about 2 times a year.
On Friday night, Kaden and Amber and their girls (Kenna and Adi) came over to Kamberee and Tylers home for pizza, root beer floats and game night. It was such a fun evening.
On Saturday, we spent most of the afternoon at my parents home visiting them and it was nice for my kids to see their grandparents and play with their cousins.
On Sunday, we got up and got ready and then headed back to LaVerkin on our way out of town so we could stop by and see my Grandma and Grandpa DeMille. I sure miss them. It is hard watching your Grandparents grow older. On this particular visit, my Grandpa DeMille had a hard time hearing us. He is losing his hearing and we had to shout at him and even though we shouted at him, I don't think he understood much of what we said. My Grandma gets so frustrated with him and I know it is hard on her because she has to shout at him all day. She said she goes very hoarse by night time trying to communicate to him. It makes me sad. Even though they are both having some health problems, they both seemed to be in good spirits. After our visit was over, she gave the kids some chocolates for the road from her candy dish and kisses on their cheeks and tight squeezes. My grandma walked us to the car and stood in her front yard until we turned the corner. It was humbling to watch her in my review mirror and I admit I started sobbing. She has been such a great influence in my life and since my grandparents are both in their eighties, I always hope our last visit in person and on the phone when we speak every few months won't be our last! My Grandma has been a huge influence in my life and I am a better person for knowing her!
I have such fond memories of going to my Grandparents home on Sunday evenings each week when I was a kid to see them and play with my cousins. My Grandma is such an amazing cook and makes the best bread, friend chicken, macaroni salad and Texas Sheet cake. It wasn't uncommon on Sunday evenings to leave her home with a bag of bread for bread and milk and a piece of Texas Sheet cake each week. She was a great Grandma then and always treated me like I was special. As I have grown older, she still treats me that way and will call every few months to check on me and I call her. I enjoy our visits and cherish them.
Our Trip to Hurricane was a wonderful one and it is always nice to go home to your roots and get your cup filled back up. It truly was a relaxing and renewing trip and nice to escape the hustle and bustle of Salt Lake for the weekend.